01 This is Senator Roy Blunt. He sold me, my fellow Missourians, and this nation to the telecom lobbyists for $127,500


02 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Coloradoans, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $95,023

03 This is Senator Cory Gardner. He sold me, Denver, and all of Colorado to the telecom lobby for $95,023.


04 'Stranger Things' Renewed for Season 3 at Netflix

r/television /r/all

05 The ice looks like pieces of glass

06 This is my Senator Mitch McConnell. He sold me, my fellow Kentuckians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $251,110

r/Louisville /r/all

07 This is senator Richard Blumenthal, he didn’t accept a payout from the telecom lobby and is working hard to fight against the FCC, thanks Richard!!

08 This is Representative Gregory Walden. He sold me, my fellow Oregonians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $155,100

r/oregon nsfb

09 when you leave the citadel for walmart


010 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Pennsylvanians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $143,456.


11 This is my senator. He sold me, my fellow South Dakotans, and this nation to the Telecom Lobby for $215,000.


12 These are my Senators. They stood up for me and my states right to a free and open internet.

r/illinois nsfb

13 This is Representative Duncan Hunter. He sold me, my fellow Californians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $19,000.

r/sandiego r/all

14 These are the Tennessee senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander. Combined telecoms gave them $130,000.


15 This is frost on a windshield

r/woahdude picture

16 This is Senator Roy Blunt. He sold me, my fellow Missourians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for $185,550.

r/missouri nsfb

17 This is my senator. He will NOT sell you out to the telecom lobby. Keep this guy in office.


18 This is my Representative, Eliot Engel. He's been protecting New Yorkers from the telecom industry since 2006. Remember that there are some good people out there fighting for us, maybe before we even knew it was an issue.

r/newyork nsfb

19 This is Mike Bishop, he sold us out for $40,500. Let him know that us Michiganders don't tolerate this kind of stuff.


20 This is senator John Boozman. He sold me, my fellow Arkansans, and the nation to the telecom lobbies for $56,450.

r/Arkansas nsfb Politics

21 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Kentuckians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $251,000


22 This is Senator Roger Wicker. He sold me, my fellow Mississippians, and the nation to the telecom lobby for $152, 000


23 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Louisianians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $1,000.

r/Louisiana nsfb Mod Approved!

24 This is Nevadan senator Dean Heller. He sold out Nevadans and this nation to the telecom lobby for $78,950.


25 Single father to a great girl blossoming into a happy woman. Worked my whole life to be able to someday say “You’re college bound kid.” Said those words not long ago. She’s college bound and will be debt free.


26 A thank you to this community, and a thank you to Kareem Hunt.


27 I'm Michael Giacchino, composer for Lost, Star Trek, Rogue One, Call of Duty, The Incredibles and Up. Ask me anything!

r/IAmA Music

28 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow South Carolinian's, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $74,522


29 WHO’s "Fowl"? Have at Moo!


30 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Kentuckians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $251,000

r/Kentucky nsfb

31 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Hoosiers, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $28,670

r/Indiana nsfb

32 BREAKING: Jimbo Fisher has accepted the head coaching position at Texas A&M. Will leave #FSU after eight seasons.

r/CFB News

33 This is my senator. He sold me, my fellow Clevelanders and the rest of Ohio and this Nation to the Telecom lobby for the price $89,350.


34 This is Senator Bernie Sanders. He has NOT sold me or my fellow Americans out to the telecom lobby as he refuses to take corporate donations. He continues to fight for his donors, the people, averaging $27 per donation.


35 These are our Senators. They sold our internet to the telecom lobby for a combined price of $53,650.

r/Nebraska nsfb

36 This is my pupper. She knows nothing about net neutrality. Get it together, Ladybird.


37 Pat Toomey is still a scumbag. He sold out Net Neutrality for chump change.


38 This is my Senator, Mike Crapo (R-ID). He sold me, my fellow Idahoans, and this nation to the Telecom Lobby for the bargain price of $11,000.

r/Idaho nsfb Potential Vote Manipulation

39 These are my Senators. They sold me, my fellow North Carolinians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $41,220 (Tillis) & $58,500 (Burr)

r/NorthCarolina politics

40 This is my Senator. She did not sell me, my fellow New Hampshirites, and this nation to the telecom lobby.


41 This is Senator Bernie Sanders. He has not sold out to Telecoms and actively supports net neutrality. Be like Bernie.

r/vermont So nice of you all to stop by for a visit.

42 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Floridians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $75,535.


43 Take your good boy to work day

r/Eyebleach repost

44 Flynn charged for 'making false statement'

r/worldnews Trump

45 We thought it was funny to wear thrift store suits to school... every. single. day. (I’m on the right). 1999


46 This is our Senator. He did NOT sell us out to the telecom lobby. Thanks for doing your job!

r/Delaware Delaware Politics

47 I'm so sorry dude, I had to post this


48 This is Congressman Steve Knight. He sold out Santa Clarita, Palmdale, my fellow Californians, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $29,000

r/LosAngeles Photo

49 *splat*

r/Eyebleach /r/all

50 This is my Senator. He sold me, my fellow Ohioans, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $89,350

r/Columbus POLITICS
r/Ohio nsfb Political